Exhibitor’s Expo

The exhibitor’s expo is a chance for women entrepreneurs to offer their services to the women of WPW. The 2-hour exhibitor’s expo is held the first afternoon of each conference and allows WPW attendees to mingle with the entrepreneurs and learn more about what they have to offer.

What’s included:

An indoor or outdoor space exclusively for the expo

A 6-foot long table and chairs

List of expo businesses and their description included in the WPW welcome brochure

What to bring:*

Any signage you would like next to/on your table

Any table decor you would like

Any pamphlets, brochures, etc your would like to provide

*Because the sale of products is subject to customs and country taxes and can be difficult to obtain approval to transport into and out of the countries we visit, we do not allow the sale of physical products at the expo.


Each 6-foot table can be reserved for $750. This cost includes a 1 and 1/2 hour reservation for the expo plus 30 minutes set-up/takedown time. Please keep in mind, table reservations are non-refundable. Table reservations do not include attendance at the conference. All entrepreneurs are required to register for then WPW conference associated with their table purchase. Only one entrepreneur per table purchase.