Become a Women Physicians Wellness Sponsor….

Running a business is HARD

We all know how getting our names out there can be tough. And it’s not just getting our names out there. It’s then about building relationships with people. Small businesses are as successful as the relationships they build. To build a relationship as business owners, we need multiple touch points. Typically, business owners are building relationships virtually, and we know how much stronger connections can be built in person. WPW offers a unique opportunity in to create these live touch points for you consistently with over 500 women physician attendees expected at WPW this year!

So how can you create those same touch-points for your business? Well that part is easy! With our year-long WPW sponsorship!

Benefits of partnering with WPW

-Build your business organically

-See after your own wellness at our amazing conferences so you can better invest in your patients and clients

-Network with other amazing physician entrepreneurs

-Invest in a marketing strategy that is key turn ready!

How we can help

Each year-long sponsorship opportunity includes:

-Named sponsor of each of the 3 WPW conferences in 2024 ($15,000 value!)

-One complimentary conference registration at each of the 3 WPW conferences in 2024 (a $5,850 value!)

-Complimentary table at the Exhibitor’s Expo for each of the 3 WPW conferences (a $2,250 value!) and the opportunity to promote your business at all non-CME events and activities

-Sponsor logo advertised between sessions and verbal recognition during the conference.

-Display of your signage outside the conference room.

-Full-page sponsor name and logo listed in the online WPW brochure for each of the 3 WPW conferences.

-Social media acknowledgements prior to and after each WPW event.

2024 year-long WPW SPONSORSHIP: $12,000

Interested in partnering with WPW as a sponsor for 2024? complete the application below: